What is the capacity of Sunny Heights?

Our capacity varies depending on if you’re planning to have your wedding indoors or outdoors. Our outdoor capacity goes up to 200+ and our indoor capacity is about 75 people.

How do I go about booking a tour for my next event/wedding?

Our tours are by appointment only. You can book a tour by visiting our Contact Page and filling out a form with your desired event & tour date.

Am I responsible for all my vendors?

Here at Sunny Heights, we have a fantastic network of vendors for events that we can refer you to! A majority of vendors will need to be licensed and insured to bring into the venue, yes. We do make some exceptions, however and you will need to discuss with our staff.

Does Sunny Heights require a security deposit?  

Yes, in order to secure your date we require a 50% non-refundable deposit.

Are there adequate restroom facilities?

Yes, we have two restrooms and both are handicap accessible.

Are the health department and insurance certificates up to date for the venue?


Where will my guests park for events/wedding?

There are 60 parking spaces available on far the west portion of our property. If needed, there is extra parking available at McFarland Park, and we can set up a shuttle for that.

What methods of payment do you accept?

We accept Checks, Cash, PayPal, and Venmo.

Can I have my rehearsal dinner here?

Yes! We would love for you to have your rehearsal dinner here.

What is the cancellation policy?

For hourly rentals & one day rentals, we would need a one week notice. Bed and Breakfast we’d need a 48 hour notice. All 50% deposits for weddings will be non-refundable.

Are there noise restrictions?

Any DJ/Music needs to end by 11pm and all guests need to exit the establishment by 12am.

What is the liquor policy?

No outside alcohol or recreational drugs are allowed. We are happy to provide vendors to provide this service.

For all other questions/concerns, please visit our Contact page. Someone from our team will get ahold of you to answer any questions you should have!